When I returned to my garage early this week, I found out that I was under attack! A rat had been dealing with my skilsaw, totaly ruining its cable on an attempt to make a cozy lair in the tools' box. Kika, my cocker spaniel, took care of the rat (...he must be still running) and I managed to make some more fillets on the bulkheads. This is getting easier now as I figured out the right amound of filler I have to add to the epoxy to have a non shagging mixture. I also add some more sillica, which makes the mixture more dense and the fillets turn out smoother (Thanks to the advice of "Boatsmith" from Wharram forums!). In the next few weeks, if I have the free time, I will try to finish with all the lower hull fillets, reinforce the keel, stem and stern with glass cloth and start cutting the floor and bunk panels. Meanwhile I have to deside on the location of the water tank installation and order them as well as order the paint for the bilges and the space underneath the bunks. By the way is there any advice from someone out there on this matter? For example do I have to use primer first or are there paints that I can apply directly on the epoxy coating of the hulls? Bellow there are some photos of my progress with an improved result on the fillets.
Κυριακή 22 Ιουνίου 2008
A new life!
I've been away from the boat for a while, but for a good reason since my wife gave birth to our first daughter. These first few weeks with the newborn were both strenuous and fascinating at the same time! I think that our lives will never be the same again as raising a child turned out to be a full time job. On the other hand a horizon of new perspectives opened up in front of us and things that seemed insignificant take a new meaning. As far as the boat is concerned I am now motivated more than ever to finish and launch as soon as possible. I have a sea world to show to my daughter!
When I returned to my garage early this week, I found out that I was under attack! A rat had been dealing with my skilsaw, totaly ruining its cable on an attempt to make a cozy lair in the tools' box. Kika, my cocker spaniel, took care of the rat (...he must be still running) and I managed to make some more fillets on the bulkheads. This is getting easier now as I figured out the right amound of filler I have to add to the epoxy to have a non shagging mixture. I also add some more sillica, which makes the mixture more dense and the fillets turn out smoother (Thanks to the advice of "Boatsmith" from Wharram forums!). In the next few weeks, if I have the free time, I will try to finish with all the lower hull fillets, reinforce the keel, stem and stern with glass cloth and start cutting the floor and bunk panels. Meanwhile I have to deside on the location of the water tank installation and order them as well as order the paint for the bilges and the space underneath the bunks. By the way is there any advice from someone out there on this matter? For example do I have to use primer first or are there paints that I can apply directly on the epoxy coating of the hulls? Bellow there are some photos of my progress with an improved result on the fillets.
When I returned to my garage early this week, I found out that I was under attack! A rat had been dealing with my skilsaw, totaly ruining its cable on an attempt to make a cozy lair in the tools' box. Kika, my cocker spaniel, took care of the rat (...he must be still running) and I managed to make some more fillets on the bulkheads. This is getting easier now as I figured out the right amound of filler I have to add to the epoxy to have a non shagging mixture. I also add some more sillica, which makes the mixture more dense and the fillets turn out smoother (Thanks to the advice of "Boatsmith" from Wharram forums!). In the next few weeks, if I have the free time, I will try to finish with all the lower hull fillets, reinforce the keel, stem and stern with glass cloth and start cutting the floor and bunk panels. Meanwhile I have to deside on the location of the water tank installation and order them as well as order the paint for the bilges and the space underneath the bunks. By the way is there any advice from someone out there on this matter? For example do I have to use primer first or are there paints that I can apply directly on the epoxy coating of the hulls? Bellow there are some photos of my progress with an improved result on the fillets.
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3 σχόλια:
Μάνο Καλησπέρα,
Λέγομαι Πέτρος και σου γράφω από Κέρκυρα. Στη βιβλιοθήκη μου βρίσκονται, ανάμεσα σε πολλά άλλα βιβλία ναυτικού ενδιαφέροντος, και ο κατάλογος του Wharram μαζί με το βιβλίο του σχετικά με τις δύο γυναίκες και τα δύο σκάφη...
Εγώ προς το παρόν έχω μείνει μόνο στα όνειρα βέβαια αλλά λόγω επαγγέλματος, έχω πρόσβαση σε σκάφη, και επίσης γνώρισα και τον ίδιο τον Wharram πριν χρόνια! Είδα το blog σου και την ερώτηση σχετικά με τα χρώματα/αστάρια. Εμένα αυτή είναι η δουλειά μου εδώ και χρόνια. Δούλευα παλιά σε ναυπηγείο και τώρα έχω κατάστημα ναυτιλιακών. Υπάρχουν ειδικά χρώματα για σεντίνες, τα περισσότερα είναι ενός συστατικού, αλλά η γνώμη μου είναι θα ήταν καλύτερα να πέρναγες ένα εποξικό αστάρι πρώτα. Για καλύτερη προστασία και αδιαβροχοποίηση. Τα εποξικά είναι πολύ ανθεκτικά αλλά δεν αντέχουν στον ήλιο. Σε περίπτωση που είναι εκτεθειμένα χρειάζονται να περαστούν με κάποιο χρώμα η βερνίκι. Αν χρειάζεσαι άλλες πληροφορίες θα είναι χαρά μου να σε βοηθήσω. Καλή συνέχεια με το project και βέβαια να σας ζήσει και το μωράκι!!! Ξέρω και από αυτά! Έχω τρία...
Καλησπέρα Πέτρο,
Με συγχωρείς που άργησα τόσο να σου απαντήσω αλλά ήμουν διακοπές και μόλις τώρα είδα το μήνυμά σου.
Η χαρά μου είναι μεγάλη που τελικά βλέπω οτι υπάρχουν και άλλοι σ'αυτή τη χώρα που συμμερίζονται το πάθος μου και ας είναι στην άλλη άκρη της!
Σ'ευχαριστώ για τις συμβουλές σου σχετικά με τα αστάρια! Θα με βοηθούσε πολύ αν μπορούσες να μου προτείνεις συγκεκριμένα προϊόντα, για παράδειγμα αν γνωρίζεις κάτι απο την γκάμα της Hempel-που μπορώ εύκολα να προμήθευτώ στην Κρήτη- ή κάποιας άλλης εταιρίας που δουλεύεις εσύ στο μαγαζί σου.
Αν ποτέ βρεθείς στα μέρη μου θα χαρώ να σου δείξω το σκάφος μου..., διαφορετικά θα αναγκαστώ να σου το ανεβάσω μέχρι την Κέρκυρα μόλις το τελειώσω!
Αγαπητέ φίλε,
Με λένε Λάμπρο και εχω μπλέξει και εγώ με την κατασκευή ενός κατ.
Ξεκινάω ενα πολύ μικρο 2,5 μέτρων με σχέδια που βρήκα στό ιντερνετ.
Βρήκα και bloggs με άλλους ανα τον κόσμο που κατασκεύασαν το ίδιο Hobby 14 και με βοήθησαν πολύ.
Σου ευχομαι κάθε επιτυχία και όλες μου τις ευχές (έχω και εγώ κορούλα)
Δημοσίευση σχολίου