Τετάρτη 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2007


During the last few days I managed to wire stitch the two lower hullsides together with the stem, stern and keel. The whole thing is starting to remind me of a boat! Now I have to persuade some friends to come over and help me lift the hull and put it on the mounts I made. Perhaps if I tempted them with a BBQ and enough beer....

1 σχόλιο:

tsunamichaser είπε...

It is looking beautiful. Try clamping or screwing a large piece of lumber, like what we call a two by four in the US along the top. These will prevent it from flexing into a curve like a wet noodle. If you can attach hooks in the ceiling of your shop then you can hang some lifting straps or ropes to raise your ship. This will not only help get the hull upright but will make life much easier when it comes to forcing the bulkheads in to place as you will be able to get inside the hull to install them.