I managed to spend a couple of afternoons at the garage this past week, mostly trying to finish and install bulkhead 6 and to clean up the place a little. Now that the main bulkhead of the central cabin is in place I can visualise it's dimensions and design it's configuration according to my needs. In one hull this central cabin will enclose the galley and it should have:
- A food preparation bench with a sink
- Shelves to stow food and provisions
- A refrigerator (I haven't desided yet if it will be an electrical one or a plain ice box)
In the other hull the central compartment will be a separate toilet with enough space for:
- A manual see toilet
- A sink
- a wet locker
Under the floor of each central compartment there is enough space to install a 70-90lt water tank which will give the boat and a crew of two water sufficiency to spend at least a week at sea without having to anchor in crowded harbours. I just have to figure out a way to pump the water from both tanks so that they empty simoultaneously. As temperatures are still low and I can't proceed with the fillets, maybe now is the perfect time to decide on the final configurations and start planning the boat's wiring and plambing.
Bulkhead No6 ready....
Forward cabin.
All the bulkheads installed and waiting for the fillets.